About WJEC

What is WJEC ?

Have you ever been to the World Journalism Education Congress? What a unique place to meet journalism educators and colleagues from all around the world. Every three years, the international community of journalism education get together to share their best teaching practices and to listen to top-notch research papers, all dedicated to journalism education.

Whereas other international conferences are dedicated to information and communication studies with limited journalism sections, at WJEC this is the unique topic.

This all started 15 years ago in Toronto. The first WJEC congress was organized in Singapore in 2007, after which it traveled all around the world. After the 4th edition in Auckland, New Zealand in 2016, it is now up to Paris.”Bonjour” follows “Kia Ora”!

Have a look at our trailer:

If you are a journalism educator, you are probably already a member of WJEC (see the list below).

Because WJEC is also an international coalition (C standing for Coalition in that case).

The World Journalism Education Council (WJEC) is a coalition representing academic associations worldwide that are involved in journalism and mass communication at the university level. By bringing organizations from six continents together, the Council hopes to provide a common space for journalism educators from around the world and to focus on issues that are universal in the field.

It is an outgrowth of the first World Journalism Education Congress that was held in Singapore in June 2007 and drew 450 delegates from 45 countries. The WJEC is an informal group with no secretariat. The World Journalism Education Council began as the planning group for the Congress, beginning with its first meeting in Toronto in 2004.

The Council’s major projects have been the adoption of a Declaration of Universal Principles of Journalism Education (approved June 2007) and the World Journalism Education Census.

> More information about the World Journalism Education Council : https://wjec.net

Organizations represented by WJEC :

  • AEJMC – Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication,
  • AJEUK – Association for Journalism Education (U.K),
  • ALAIC – Latin American Association of Communication Researchers,
  • AMIC – Asian Media Information and Communication Centre,
  • ASJMC – Association of Schools of Journalism and Mass Communication,
  • AUSACE – Arab-U.S. Association for Communication Educators,
  • BEA – Broadcast Education Association,
  • CCA – Chinese Communication Association (U.S.A),
  • Chinese Association of History of Journalism & Communication — Division of Journalism Education
  • Chinese Journalism Education Association,
  • CEJ (Conférence des écoles de journalisme)
  • ECREA – Journalism Studies Section, European Communication Research and Education Association,
  • EJTA – European Journalism Training Association,
  • FELAFACS – Latin American Federation of Social Communication Schools,
  • GIS-Journalisme members
  • IAMCR – Journalism Research and Education Section International Association of Media and Communication Research – Journalism Research and Education Section (JRE)
  • ICA – International Communication Association (ICA) – Journalism Studies Division
  • Intercom Brazil – Brazilian Society of Interdisciplinary Studies on Communication,
  • JERAA – Journalism Education and Research Association of Australia,
  • JourNet – Global Network for Professional Education in Journalism and Media (JourNet)
  • JEANZ – Journalism Education Association of New Zealand,
  • JERAA – Journalism Education and Research Association of Australia,
  • J-Schools Canada/Écoles J – Canadian Council for Education in Journalism,
  • JSSJMC – Japan Society for Studies in Journalism and Mass Communication,
  • Korean Society for Journalism and Communication Studies,
  • NAJMAT – Nigerian Association of Journalism and Mass Communication Teachers,
  • Nordic Journalism Training Association,
  • PACE – Philippine Association of Communication Educators,
  • Russian Council for Journalism Education,
  • SACOMM – South African Communication Association,
  • Saudi Association for Media & Communication,
  • Théophraste Network