

Get the WJEC-5 Mobile App

We’re excited to announce that World Journalism Education Congress has a free, official app which you can Download and be able to:

  • View the event agenda and plan your schedule
  • Find someone to share a cab (or Uber/Lyft) to go to the conference/event together
  • Plan some social activities such as a morning run, city tour, or meet-ups with your fellow attendees. You can even post job openings.
  • Find someone to go to lunch/dinner together (if the conference does not provide meals)
  • Receive updates such as last minute room change from the organizers
  • Get presentation documents and slides (if the event organizer uploaded them)

To join, you will have to use the same e-mail address you have used for completing you registration.

If you are struggling with downloading, you can have a look at the Whova tutorial : here.


Get our official event app

For Blackberry or Windows Phone, Click here

For feature details, visit Whova