
We've done it! 500+ participants, 60+. countries. Thank you so much. See you soon in Paris for the biggest event only dedicated to journalism education ever.

The World Journalism Education Council, hereafter WJEC, is a worldwide coalition of academic associations involved in journalism education. If yourself or your institution is a member of one of these associations you are entitled to the WJEC member discount.*

*You can check this list here.

Members of affiliated groups as GIS Journalisme are also entitled to this discount.

Are eligible to low income tariff, countries identified as low-income & lower-middle income economies by the World Bank. List at the bottom of this page.

  • Fees include access to all conferences, panels, syndicates etc., the three lunches and all breaks.
  • The cocktail reception at Paris Townhall was included for the first 350 registrations. Sold out.

Early Bird is closed.


Normal till June 30thRegistration
WJEC Members (*)384 € (approx. 403 USD)
Low income economies254 € (approx. 267 USD)
Students & Post Grad189 € (approx. 199 USD)
Non WJEC Member (*)514 € (approx. 540 USD)


Late : after July 1stRegistration
WJEC Members (*)422 € (approx. 443 USD)
Low income economies279 € (approx. 293 USD)
Students & Post Grad207 € (approx. 217 USD)
Non WJEC Member (*)565 € (approx. 593 USD)


Register here

If you have any questions about the registration process or congress fees and/or if you are not sure if your academic organization is a member of WJEC, please feel free to contact Sophie PUIG: sophie.puig[@]



Afghanistan Guinea-Bissau Sierra Leone
Benin Haiti Somalia
Burkina Faso Korea, Dem. People’s Rep. South Sudan
Burundi Liberia Syrian Arab Republic
Central African Republic Madagascar Tajikistan
Chad Malawi Tanzania
Comoros Mali Togo
Congo, Dem. Rep Mozambique Uganda
Eritrea Nepal Yemen, Rep.
Ethiopia Niger Zimbabwe
Gambia, The Rwanda
Guinea Senegal


Angola Indonesia Papua New Guinea
Bangladesh Kenya Philippines
Bhutan Kiribati São Tomé and Principe
Bolivia Kosovo Solomon Islands
Cabo Verde Kyrgyz Republic Sri Lanka
Cambodia Lao PDR Sudan
Cameroon Lesotho Swaziland
Congo, Rep. Mauritania Timor-Leste
Côte d’Ivoire Micronesia, Fed. Sts. Tunisia
Djibouti Moldova Ukraine
Egypt, Arab Rep. Mongolia Uzbekistan
El Salvador Morocco Vanuatu
Georgia Myanmar Vietnam
Ghana Nicaragua West Bank and Gaza
Honduras Nigeria Zambia
India Pakistan